• Your Details
  • Accidents
  • Your Quote
  • Purchase

Vehicle Details:

About You (Learner Driver):


UK Provisional Licence

Your Licence should look similar to the one below and state Provisional across the top.

If your licence is issued in Northern Ireland please call 0345 470 0014

UK Provisional Driving Licence Only. If you are a full licence holder from onset of cover, your policy will be declared void/cancelled, premium will be retained and claims will not be paid.


Let us know how long you have held your provisional driving licence for.

Don't worry if you've only just got your licence - simply enter 0 years, 0 months.

OR Since

Address Information:

User Details (Learner Driver):

Declaration and Preferences:

In order to provide our services we will collect and use personal data about you and anyone you provide personal data for. The legal foundation for processing this data is obtained on a contract basis, is for the performance of an insurance contract between you and your insurer.

We also collect other data from you to enable us as your insurance intermediary to provide our services; these include your mobile telephone number, email address, third party authority details, payment information including debit/credit card details and/or bank account number and sort code. We have a legitimate interest to collect this information from you in order to provide our services including administer your online account.

I understand that Collingwood Insurance Services (UK) Ltd (CISL) will process my personal data in order to provide a motor insurance quotation, and may also share my data with the Insurer Collingwood Insurance Company Limited (CICL) and other associated third parties should I subsequently make an application or purchase a policy, as per the Privacy Policy

Collingwood take the privacy of your data very seriously and only use your information for administering your account with us. However, from time to time, we may like to contact you with details of products, services and additional benefits that we can offer.

We would also like to pass your details, or those of your authorised onto selected marketing affiliates, who may contact you by email with details of associated products and services that they provide.

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